14 new history books in the metaphorical bag from Feb 2024. For some reason this month has proven to be quite a global mix, which I like!
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A few that I would like to dig into are:
Revolusi: Indonesia and the Birth of the Modern World, by David Van Reybrouck. I had no idea that Indonesia was the first of the colonial countries to establish it's independence after world war 2, and would love to find out more.
To The City: Life and Death Along the Ancient Walls of Istanbul, by Alexander Christie-Miller. Is this a history book? I don't know but it seems to include a blend of modern and medieval history. And Istanbul is such a fascinating place I think it would be hard to write a bad book about it.
A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks, by David Gibbins. I'm curious to see if the history of the world looks different from the bottom of the ocean.